Che lavoro cerchi?
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Pool Attendant

  • Tipo: Offerta di lavoro
  • Offerta inserita il: 10.01.2025
  • Offerta scade il: 08.02.2025
  • Posti disponibili: 1
  • Luogo: Como (CO)
  • Categoria Professionale/Mansione: Operatore Telefonico/Call Center
  • Settore: Customer Service/Call Center,Turismo, vacanze, tempo libero, sport,Alberghi, Ristoranti, Bar, Collettività
  • Offerta pubblicata da:

Pool attendant looks after the welcoming, the well-being and the safety of guests who are using the swimming pools, and rescues anyone who gets into difficulty. He monitors and maintains the water quality in the pool, helping the chief engineer in checking equipment, filters and pumps. He also supervise the sunbeds and the changing rooms, keeping them clean and tidy.

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